31 May 2013

Events 2013

Upcoming Events

9 / 10 June 2013Heavy Horse Experience
15 / 16 June 2013Native American Experiencemore info
30 June 2013Classic Mini Car Club
21 July 2013Lincs Austin A30 – A35 Club
 27 / 28 July 2013 Vintage Steam Traction Event more info
18 August 2013The Village Garden Partymore info
24 / 25 August 2013Native American Experiencemore info
31 Aug / 1 Sept 2013The Village under siege

Keep checking our website for more information at: http://www.churchfarmvillage.org.uk 

Telephone: 01754 766658 for more information

21 October 2012

Halloween in Skegness

Halloween in Skegness

31st October @ The Village, Church Farm - Skegness.

Creepy evening for younger monsters from 3-5pm.

Traditional games and prizes for best costume and pumpkin lantern.

Ghoulish night for all ages, 7pm till Midnight

Traditional games, Witch trial and ghost walk (torch required)

For more details call The Village on; 01754 766658

4 April 2012

Knights of Skirbeck 'Medieval Tournament'

THIS EASTER WEEKEND – The Knights of Skirbeck will be holding a medieval tournament at The Village.

You will be able to see heavily armoured knights in un-scripted, non-choreographed combat using a range of weapons.

Easter – ‘a medieval easter tournament’. easter was a very special time in medieval England and tournaments played a large part in the celebrations.

1100 – weapons & combat display (assorted weapons, light armour, semi contact)

1400 – the surgeon at work – removing an arrow and treating an infected, maggot ridden wound

1600 – tournament – full armour & full contact – as close as it gets to an original c14th/c15th tournament. we’ll be asking visitors to judge the outcome of each round.

plus dramatized story telling, archery and other short displays at random times.
The winner of each round will bedecided by a panel judges picked at random from the visitors, so if you’ve ever watched a ‘medieval’ film and fancied judging such a tournament, this is your chance!

There will of course be hands-on displays of weapons & armour, games & crafts, archery etc.

Plus demonstrations of medieval surgery, cookery & storytelling.

All the regular attractions at The Village will also be open, inc:
  • Victorian kitchen
  • blacksmiths workshop,
  • Withern cottage
  • 18th Century farmhouse etc.
Event will be from the 7th until the 9th April between 10am and 4pm

Admission Prices – Adults £3, Children £2, Parking Free

FREE for re-enactors & traders inc. trading pitches & camping

22 January 2012

Support for Church Farm plan

The works, subject to planning permission being approved, would see the shop being redeveloped, changes made to the cafe, a new office, an enlarged storage area and the potential for a lift.
As reported, (December 28), the revamp will expand on opportunities for the community at the site and allow better access for wheelchair and visitors with mobility needs.
Committee members at the planning meeting of Skegness Town Council, held last Tuesday, felt the village was an asset to the town and plans to extend and improve the site were welcomed.
Coun George Saxon, said he ‘supported’ the plan ‘wholeheartedly’ and Coun Mark Anderson said he thought it was a ‘fantastic facility’.
And Coun Dick Edgington said he ‘fully supported’ the plan as it would enhance the ‘tourist attraction for Skegness’.
However Coun Mark Anderson, felt that there should be more sign posting to help visitors on foot find the site.
Speaking last time, Chairman of the Village Farm Ltd, Steve Kirk said the extension plan would bring the buildings together to improve access for visitors with physical disabilities.
He also said, the modernisation work would help build on volunteering opportunities and training at the village as the easy walk-thorough design would allow staff to better engage with the volunteers with physical disabilities.
And Coun Mark Smith, said of the site and its benefit to the town: “The community has come together for Church Farm in what has been a difficult time. It will improve the town’s facilities.”
Funding for the work, will be sourced from Church Farm Village’s own funds, and applications for addition funding are currently being made.
Mr Kirk said that if they couldn’t secure funding, then they would have to develop the site bit by bit rather than all at the same time.
The work could begin as early as spring, subject to approval, and further discussions would still need to made regarding funding over the coming months.
l Is this good news for the town? Email amy.gallivan@jpress.co.uk

20 October 2011

EAST Lindsey District Council has agreed to hand Church Farm Museum in Skegness over to the local community for £1.

Providing The Village Church Farm Limited, a company set up to protect the future of the important local asset, is granted funding by Lincolnshire County Council, the land and buildings will all be handed over as part of a Community Asset Transfer.

This is the third such arrangement East Lindsey District Council has agreed in order to protect the future of important local attractions and facilities.

The Village Church Farm Limited requested the transfer of the land and buildings after developing a detailed business plan that if successfully delivered will ensure the museum, which includes Skegness’ second oldest building, a traditional farmhouse dating back to 1760 and a thatched cottage, continues be an important attraction for many years to come.
Portfolio Holder for Finance at the District Council, Councillor John Upsall, said: “I am delighted the Executive Board has made this decision, which means that if funding from Lincolnshire County Council is forthcoming Church Farm Museum will be handed over to the newly formed organisation. It’s clear there is huge enthusiasm for this project within the town and I wish those involved every success.”

6 October 2011

Kids Halloween Party

Kids Halloween Party

Monday 31st October

5pm - 7:30pm

Bob Apple/Sugar Dive

Gunge Bucket

Doughnuts on Strings

Maltesers Game



£2 per child

£2 per Adult (if you would like to join in the fun)


For more details phone us on: 01754 766658

27 September 2011

Please support our "CommunityForce" Project

Please help to support our project.

Project details:-
To introduce a range of small farm yard animals to the Village and use these animals as part of our ongoing training and volunteering scheme for difficult to reach parts of our community.

What does your charity/project do?

We run a Victorian farming museum which was closed after the recent cutbacks. We are working to make it a community hub and offer training and volunteering opportunities for those who would normally find it difficult to engage

How does your charity/project support the local community?

We have an active volunteering scheme which engages with ex-offenders, those with mental health problems, serving offenders and other difficult to reach groups. As part of the volunteering program, then learn new skills which help them interact with others. Some go on to formal qualifications delivered on the site and use this as a route into employment.

What do you plan to use the CommunityForce award for?

As part of our ongoing program we would like to introduce some small animals to The Village. There is a lot of research that has shown those who find it difficult to engage with others often engage very well with animals. We would like to use the animals to build on the ideas of personal responsibility, caring, trust and team work. We have identified all the costs involved in this project and would use the £6000 towards paying for its setup.
Please support the project by registering at: https://communityforce.natwest.com/user/register/...

Then vote for our project at: http://communityforce.natwest.com/project/2776